Real Ghost or Poltergeist Activity? Disturbing Footage

This video shows what some may consider disturbing footage of a real ghost or poltergeist terrorizing a family. Could this be real? Share your thoughts.


Unknown said...

where in connecticut was that home?

Unknown said...

where in connecticut was that home?

anashik said...

I dont believe this video.How come everything is happening in america always.Man this is hoax.Anything can be tied to those and dragged from one point to another and made to look like its been moved by ghost.Just playing with people's mind ...THAT'S ALL.

Anonymous said...

have you looked at this closely look right after the type writer moves behind the chair it lookes like a ghost move but watch it carefully. email me back at if you see it to.

Anonymous said...

IDK Im kind of freaked out about this thing and anashik is right why does it all happen to america but i had a ghost experience and we tryed to tell some one about this but no one wou;ld beleave us so afater we moved out of that huanted or should i say para normal house that never happened again

Anonymous said...

im only 16 but very interested in ghost activity.
although these look real they could be people messing around.
Lets be honest its hard to believe in anything you havent seen, these videos and other prove nothing until you see somthing your self! :)