Real Ghost?

This is a picture of an elderly woman at a gathering of friends and family, shortly before her death. Her family had passed this picture out because they felt like it was such a good picture of their loved one. It was years before anyone noticed the strange figure standing behind her in the photograph.
Someone who was upon further examination, not so strange at all. The family believes that this is their grandfather, the late woman's husband. The only problem was that he had passed away many years before this photograph was taken. The other picture is of the happy couple some years earlier. A comparison of the two photographs reveals an eerie resemblance. What do you think? Real Ghost?


PR said...

That would be creepy, kind of like standing in the mirror and seeing somebody behind you who isn't really there.

At least a picture can be verified.

Voodoo Who Do

Anonymous said...

I think this one is the most likeyly one to be "real" on this page. CREEPY & kinda sweet at the same time!

Anonymous said...

well i see another figure in the background to the left of the man. its kinda blue-ish and is like a face.

ourculturalfiasco said...

wow this pic is creepy mostly all the pics are creepy but mostly i think that this one is the most creepy!
but still a lot on other blogs are also so creepy!!!! anyways i also think its creepy and sweet at the same time but mostly creepy

Anonymous said...

definitely another ghost over the cars...looks to be a long dark haired blue woman in a dress...angel of death perhaps?

aneesh said...

in this snap of the woman and her husband's ghost u hav missed a part just a little left to the third picture where the ghost is standing behind the old lady there is another figure having a skull face standing in a black hooded outfit if u look it properly u can see it a shadow kind of figure.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh. the picture is so creepy. how did no one notice the wierd man in the back. and there's a hooded figure in the trees. i think it's his ghost.